News archive - News from Bosnia and Herzegovina (taken from the WBC-INCO.NET Journal Autumn 2009)

Please find below the News from Bosnia and Herzegovina, as published in the current WBC-INCO.NET Journal (Autumn 2009).

Bosnia and Herzegovina Joined EUREKA

On June 19, 2009 in Lisbon, the Bosnian Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs Mr. Senad Šepic´ on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education Mr. José Mariano Gago signed a statement according to which Bosnia and Herzegovina joined EUREKA as a National Information Point – a transitional status that should lead to full membership in a few years. After the EUREKA XXIV ministerial conference, Mr. Šepic´ said: “The statement, which has just been signed, is important for Bosnia and Herzegovina for many reasons. EUREKA is a pan-European network, which supports market-oriented, industrial research and development. It helps to build a partnership through various multilateral projects aimed to strengthen the European competitiveness”.

FP7 Info Day

On April 23, 2009 a first FP7 Info Day was organised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in Sarajevo in cooperation with DG Research and the JRC. The key note speakers were EU RTD Commissioner Dr. Janez PotoËnik and Mr. Sredoje Novic´ , Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Framework Law on Science and the Draft Strategy

A public debate on the Draft Strategy on Science Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Action plan has been opened by July 6, 2009. The Draft Strategy was developed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, representatives of the entity ministries and the research community. Once adopted, it will be the first document of this kind at the state level. Furthermore, the Framework Law on Scientific and Research Operations was passed on May 20, 2009.
BiH Joins the COST Family Bosnia and Herzegovina became the 35th member country of COST at the 174th meeting of the Committee of Senior Officials of COST, held in Brussels on May 26 to 27, 2009.

Researchers from Bosnian institutions have already played an active role in COST actions as near-neighbouring country participants. So far, they have contributed to actions in the Individuals, Societies and Cultures and Health (ISCH) and Forestry, Products and their Services (FPS) domains.

Further Project Activities

The Bosnian Ministry of Civil Affairs applied for the establishment of the EURAXESS Mobility Centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is currently negotiating the grant agreement. The EC-funded project ”Capacity building and institutional strengthening of Science and Research in Bosnia and Herzegovina“ officially started on September 1, 2009.

Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 23, 2009
Modified on October 23, 2009