News archive - [Event Announcement] WIRE 2011 Conference
The WIRE 2011 Conference will take place in Debrecen, Hungary from June 7 to 9, 2011 as an event of the Hungarian EU presidency.
WBC-INCO.NET will be represented with an exhibitor stand at WIRE 2011. Interested research and innovation infrastructures are invited to send us their promotion material for the stand - we will try to do our best to showcase the activities in the region!
WIRE2011 connects cluster development and research infrastructure policy in order to enhance innovation performances and regional development.
Under the aegis of the Hungarian EU Council Presidency the conference ‘Week of Innovative Regions in Europe 2011 (WIRE2011)’, - giving an appropriate follow-up of WIRE 2010 conference in Granada held under the Spanish EU Council Presidency -, will be organized jointly with the European Commission on 7-9 June 2011 in Debrecen, Hungary dedicated to possible synergies between research infrastructures and cluster policy. The conference – considering the document of ‘EUROPE 2020, a strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive development strategy’ and the ‘Innovation Union Flagship Initiative’ - focuses on questions related to knowledge, innovation and competitiveness in economy with respect to research infrastructure investments, clusters and their effects on how they can support smart growth in the regions.
WIRE2011 will put on the floor todays’ urgent questions for innovation and research policy at regional level:
- Can the regions use the resources devoted to research and innovation more efficiently?
- How smart specialisation strategies can enable to optimise the use of research infrastructures by considering their role in clusters, regional innovation support systems and networks?
- Can the regional dimension of research infrastructures contribute to regional development and better regional research and innovation performance?
- Can tools, such as European Research Infrastructure Consortia, help to improve the construction of and the access to high quality large research infrastructures?
Useful information:
Further information and registration is available on
25 regions/clusters/research infrastructures will have the opportunity to present their good practices on synergies between clusters and research infrastructures.
INNOVA Észak-Alföld Regional Development and Innovation Agency
(Kürtös u 4., Debrecen, 4031, Hungary)
From: 7 June 2011
To: 9 June 2011
- European Union (EU 27)
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 16, 2011
Modified on May 16, 2011