News archive - European Innovation Partnerships (EIP): Water Technology Platform positions itself for a European Innovation Partnership
The first EIP on active and healthy ageing is being developed and suggestions have been made about the themes of the others. The theme of water supply has been mentioned before.
As part of the EC’s Europe 2020 Strategy and Innovation Union Flagship Initiative, the EC intends to launch a small number of 'European Innovation Partnerships' (EIPs) between the EU and national levels. It is hoped that these will bring together the main stakeholders in a particular field and speed up the development and deployment of the technologies needed to meet the challenges identified.
In response to this, the European Water Technology Platform (WssTP) is actively supporting this proposed EIP and is therefore starting to identify opportunities for large scale demonstration sites to boost research, development and deployments of innovative technologies in the water sector.The WssTP would like its members to propose such sites, after which it intends to publish a communication to the EC. It recently held a survey of stakeholders, which closed 20 January 2011.
The results of this questionnaire will feed into the communication it is developing.
Further information is available in the WssTP December 2010 newsletter
More information on WssTP:
Source: ukro
- International; Other
Entry created by Elke Dall on January 31, 2011
Modified on January 31, 2011