News archive - EU – Western Balkan countries Brokerage & Networking Session

The FP7 projects WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS are organising an “EU-Western Balkan countries Brokerage & Networking Session” within the upcoming international event eChallenges 2009 (Istanbul, Turkey from 21 – 23 October).
The session will take place on 22 October 2009 from 16:00 to 17:30 hrs at the MARMARA Hotel, Taksim Square, Istanbul, TURKEY, and aims at giving interested stakeholders from the Western Balkan countries (WBC) and the EU (as well as associated countries) the opportunity to meet and network with representatives of other organizations.

The FP7 projects WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS are organising an “EU-Western Balkan countries Brokerage & Networking Session” within the upcoming international event eChallenges 2009 (Istanbul, Turkey from 21 – 23 October).
The session will take place on the 22 October 2009 from 16:00 to 17:30 hrs at the MARMARA Hotel, Taksim Square, Istanbul, TURKEY, and aims at giving interested stakeholders from the Western Balkan countries (WBC) and the EU (as well as associated countries) the opportunity to meet and network with representatives of other organizations.

The programme foresees a series of presentations about the EU ICT research policy, national policies for ICT, participation of WBC and support to WBC. This will be followed by a brokerage/networking session where interested stakeholders will be given between 3 to 5 minutes each to present their organisations, their expertise and their project ideas to the audience.

How to participate and how to present your organisation
The brokerage/networking session is free of charge but requires registration in advance. For registration, please visit the registration page and submit the completed form by 19 October.
Participants from both the WBC and the EU who wish to present their organisations, their expertise and their project ideas suitable for cooperation under the FP7 ICT Programme, will be given between 3 to 5 minutes each to present their slides. Those participants wishing to give a presentation should register as described above and send their powerpoint slides (no more than 5 slides), using the template that can be downloaded below, to Ms. Ira VATER, e-mail: ira.vater(at) by 16 October.

Important notice and Financial Support

Please note that completing the registration form secures participation only for the brokerage/networking session organised by the ICT-WEB-PROMS and WINS-ICT projects. All participants must also register and pay for access to the eChallenges e-2009 Conference, (see

Some travel grants are made available by WINS-ICT to researchers from the Western Balkans. The number of these travel grants is limited thus; if you are interested please apply as soon as possible. For further details, please contact the Wins-ICT project coordinator Ms Desiree Pecarz:


Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 12, 2009
Modified on October 12, 2009