News archive - Event Announcement: Univ-SOE Project Final Conference

The Univ-SOE Project has provided the programme for its final conference on June 29-30, 2007 at the University of Graz in Austria with the title "Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central and South East Europe – Developments, Structures and Perspectives for their Integration into the European Higher Education and Research Area".

Friday, June 29th 2007

9.30h Opening Session:
Universities and Research in Europe in historical and cultural perspective
Chair: o.Univ.Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c. Wolfgang MANTL, Graz, Director UnivSOE Project

Welcome and Introduction
Univ.Prof.Dr. Alfred GUTSCHELHOFER, Rector of the University of Graz
o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Willibald POSCH, Dean of the Faculty of Law
o.Univ.Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c. Wolfgang MANTL, Director UnivSOE Project
Univ.Prof.Dr. Joseph MARKO, Senior Researcher UnivSOE Project

1. Univ.Prof.Dr. Janez KRANJC, University of Ljubljana
Universities in Europe: common heritage, common future?

2. o.Univ.Prof.Dr. Dr.h.c. Helmut KONRAD, University of Graz
Private universities in Europe – risks and challenges

11.00h Coffee Break

3. o.Univ.Prof.Dr. Walter BERKA, University of Salzburg
Autonomy of university in European perspective: threats and obligations

4. Discussants: Prof.Dr. Josip KREGAR, University of Zagreb
Zoran ILIEVSKI, LLM, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje

13.00h-14.00h Reception by the Mayor of the City of Graz, Mag. Siegfried NAGL

14.00h Afternoon Session:
Towards the European Research and Higher Education Area:
General concepts and perspectives for Central and South East Europe
Chair: Dr. Hedwig KOPETZ, Graz, Junior Researcher UnivSOE Project

5. MinR Mag. Barbara WEITGRUBER, MA, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Vienna
The European Higher Education and Research Area: a specific Austrian responsibility for the Western Balkan Countries?

6. Discussants: Dr. Branka BOŠNJAK, University of Montenegro
Prof.Dr. Mitja ZAGAR, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana
Prof. Manfred HORVAT, Vienna University of Technology

15.30h Coffee Break

7. SC Mag. Friedrich FAULHAMMER, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Vienna
The impact of the Bologna Process on European Universities after the Ministerial Summit of London May 2007: Realising the European Higher Education Area by 2010? Barriers and chances for Europe and the Western Balkan Countries

8. Prof.Dr. Oksana HOLOVKO-HAVRYSHEVA, Ivan Franko National University of L’viv
Research and Teaching?! – Obstacles and Chances for Younger Researchers at Universities, an Eastern European perspective

9. Discussants: Prof.Dr. Monica VLAD, Private University of Sibiu
Mag. Heribert WULZ, Secretary General of the Austrian Rectors’
Conference, Vienna

19.00h Reception by the Governor of Styria, Mag. Franz VOVES

Saturday, June 30th 2007

9.00h Concluding Session:
Research and Higher Education in South East Europe: Special traditions, political challenges and European Perspectives
Chair: Univ.Prof.Dr. Joseph MARKO, Graz

10. Dr. Dragan PRIMORAC, Croatian Minister of Science, Education and Sports, Zagreb
Making research and higher education a priority on the political agenda: difficulties and necessity

11. Marijana GRANDITS, Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Brussels
Research and higher education in South East Europe: special traditions, political challenges and European perspectives

10.15h Coffee Break

12. Prof.Dr. Fuada STANKOVIC, University of Novi Sad
Research and higher education as avant-garde of regional cooperation, reconciliation and European integration in South East Europe

13. Prof.Dr. Anna KRASTEVA, New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Universities as civil society actors: communist legacy and civil society responsibility – threats and tasks

14. Discussant: Univ.Prof.Dr. Hubert ISAK, University of Graz

15. Univ.Prof.Dr. Joseph MARKO, University of Graz
Preliminary results of the UnivSOE project: a resumé

16. o.Univ.Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c. Wolfgang MANTL, University of Graz
Concluding remarks

13.30h Reception by the Rector of the University of Graz,
Univ.Prof.Dr. Alfred GUTSCHELHOFER and end of the conference

Entry created by Elke Dall on June 20, 2007
Modified on June 20, 2007