News archive - FP7 2010: A new approach in the Social Sciences and Humanities

In a world that is being put to the test on a daily basis by global societal challenges, Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) have a unique opportunity to increase their contribution and impact on society, by adopting a new approach in research practice. Thus the European Commission decided on a new concept in SSH research, focusing increasingly on a challenge-driven approach. This will be implemented as of the July 2010 Work Programme and Calls for proposals.

The new approach, designed in consultation with the scientific community and Member States, is based on identification of a number of important Societal Challenges facing Europe in short to medium term perspective. These Challenges have to be addressed by pooling resources, achieving critical mass and developing coherent and complementary research activities. Therefore, each Challenge will be addressed by a specific set of research actions combined in a single large scale integrating project (i.e. a project with 4-5 years duration with minimum EC contribution of EUR 6 500 000).

Activities to be included in the projects are:

* A coordinated inter-disciplinary approach and plurality of perspectives to examine the different dimensions of the Societal Challenge considered;
* Building on previous research; stock-taking;
* Forward looking / Foresight analysis regarding the evolution of the Societal Challenge, where relevant;
* Deployment of a significant international cooperation dimension in addition to the European dimension;
* Dissemination and exploitation of research results in a variety of contexts (scientific, policy, media, civil society);
* Development of an effective critical mass of actors, involving a wide range of key stakeholders;
* A rigorous professional approach on managing research and day-to-day administrative work;
* Ethical and gender dimensions will continue to be relevant in both the conduct of the research.

For comprehensively addressing the Challenges proposers are encouraged to define additional research aspects that go beyond the research areas identified in the Work Programme. The challenges will be complemented by a number of "traditional" topics, as well as the continued presence of Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA) and Coordination and Support Actions (CA).

For further information see the documents made available during an event on June 5:

Contact your national contact points, see:

A "Question & Answer" section and an indicative roadmap of Societal Challenges for 2011-2013 will also soon be published.

To apply for funding under the SSH research programme please refer to official documents such as the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities Work Programme and relevant Guides for Applicants. The documents will be published end of July.

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 16, 2009
Modified on July 17, 2009