News archive - Partner Analysis of FP6

WBC-INCO.NET has carried out a brief analysis to see, which were the main partner countries for the Western Balkans in the 6th Framework Programme.

Information about jointly submitted project proposals in the 6th Framework Programme were obtained by the European Commission and the resulting links between the countries from the Western Balkans and others participating in FP6 were analysed. The statistics were evaluated by country and for the whole regions. If you are interested in the underlying tables, please contact Elke Dall, author of this article.

Greece is the most important co-operation partner for Albanian institutions in FP6. Greek partners represent almost 8 % of all links of Albanian institutions in FP6, whereas 4 % of all links (i.e. 19 out of a total of 456) have been with German partners.

For institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina most links were within the WBCs. Croatia, which is by far the country with most links (2359 counted), co-operates intensely with Germany, UK and Italy.

The FYR of Macedonia again is strongly entangled with Greek and Serbian/Montenegrin partners, but also with Germans. Also the Netherlands are strong co-operation partners for researchers from Serbia and Montenegro, which was registred as one country in the EC database for the whole period of FP6.

Obviously some countries submit far less proposals than others (e.g. Austria compared to the UK), but this data was not available and therefore not taken into account in this evaluation. Thus, the assessment is from the perspective of the WBCs, which are their major co-operation partners.

10 Most Important Cooperation Partners for WBC:
Click on the picture to enlarge:

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 5, 2008
Modified on April 5, 2008