News archive - Side Event for the Ministers of Education from South Eastern Europe

The Side Event for the Ministers of Education from South Eastern Europe on the occasion of the Informal Conference of European Ministers of Education on “The Institutional Foundations for Dialogue and Respect” will take place on June 5, 2008 in Oslo.

The meeting carries the tradition of periodical meetings of the South-East-European Ministers forward. Representatives of all countries of the region are expected (except Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia), as well as the hosts Norway and Slovenia, the OECD, ETF, CoE, and the Commission.

The agenda includes amongst other topics:
- Buiding Human Capital in the work of the RCC
- Region cooperation under the new framework of the RCC and the TF
- Fostering and Building Human Capital: Continuity and challenges ahead
- Statements from the Ministers of Education from South Eastern Europe

The conference will be held on 5 June 2008, 17.30h
location: Room “Kringla” (ground floor of the conference venue)

Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on March 6, 2008
Modified on June 5, 2008