News archive - Hungarian National Office for Research and Technology Offers Mobility Subsidies

The Hungarian National Office for Research and Technology (NKTH) invites applicants for supporting the mobility of researchers working on R&D projects within the framework of bilateral R&D cooperation. Subsidies are distributed in open tendering but it does not require existing bilateral S&T cooperation agreements.

Who can receive subsidies? Tendering is open for financial institutions (research institutes, educational institutes), companies with or without legal personality planning cooperation in the field of natural, medical, agricultural or technical sciences.

Maximum duration of projects: 24 months

What is the type of funding? Final grant disbursed to the beneficiary with no repayment obligation (“grant”).

Submission of applications is continuous. Final deadline: 31 December 2012.

National contact person: Péter Judák
National Office for Research and Technology
Tel.: +36-1-484-2573

For further information please visit the website of NKTH (information in Hungarian):

Source: NKTH.

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 25, 2010
Modified on May 27, 2010