News archive - High Speed Internet for Researchers in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Since January 2007, a new cross-border dark fibre cable has been providing high speed internet connection for the research community in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The University of Banja Luka is the first university to be connected, having fulfilled all contractual obligations. The initiative is part of the South Eastern European Research and Education Network (SEEREN2) that aims to diminish the 'digital divide' that still separates most of the South East European countries from the rest of the continent.

SEEREN2 aims to create the next generation of the South East European segment of GEANT, that intends to make leading-edge technologies and services available to the entire research/education communities and all scientific sectors, without discrimination between users, and helping in this way to build the extended European Research Area.
The link has been deployed as a result of monthly efforts by all the BiH partners and the National Research and Education Networks of Greece (GRNET) and Serbia (AMRES). The fibres are leased from Telekom Srbija and Telekom Srpska, whilst the communication equipments have been provided by Meriton Networks.
The realisation of the new link is of significant added-value as the inclusion of BiH to the backbone network leverages the European dimension in the execution of the project and supports the development of human resources and transfer of know-how via cooperation with other academic communities in the Balkans and worldwide.

Article published in eJournal winter 06/07.
Author: Dimitra Kotsokalis, GRNET, Greek Research Technology Network.


Entry created by Elke Dall on January 24, 2007
Modified on January 24, 2007