News archive - 5th European Research Infrastructures (RI) workshop: a summary report now online available

Representatives of 33 European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) projects held a workshop in Brussels on 15 June 2011 to discuss how best to demonstrate the impact of Research Infrastructures. A report giving an overview of the workshop’s findings has recently been published online.

At the event, the EC provided feedback on the results of the consultation on the Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation funding. The feedback confirmed that Research Infrastructures are important for the strengthening of the European Research Area and that in Horizon 2020 there should be sufficient resources to allow the implementation of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap.

The workshop included ten presentations from ESFRI projects focusing on studies or analysis of the impact of Research Infrastructures and individual approaches on how to document impacts for decision-makers. The workshop concluded that it was important for each ESFRI project to aim to demonstrate the scientific and socio-economic impact of Research Infrastructures at EU level through gathering more empirical data and developing monitoring and evaluation guidelines.

The workshop report and presentations are available at:

Source: UKRO

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on November 5, 2011
Modified on November 9, 2011