News archive - Jean Monnet Programme supports European Integration Studies worldwide

The Jean Monnet Programme is designed to increase knowledge and awareness about European integration by promoting teaching, research and debate on European Union matters (including the EU's relations with other regions in the world and the dialogue between peoples and cultures). Since 2007, the Jean Monnet Programme is integrated in the broader Lifelong Learning Programme (that also includes such education programmes as Erasmus and Leonardo).

The selection of Jean Monnet projects works via an annual call for proposals. The call is managed, on behalf of the European Commission by the "Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency". The 2009 call has just been launched (with deadline for applications on February 13, 2009).

The Jean Monnet Programme is aimed exclusively at formally recognised higher education institutions (university-level institutions). Since 2001, it operates on a world-wide basis. The network is currently active in 61 countries on the five continents. Universities from all countries in the world are eligible and encouraged to apply for Jean Monnet projects. The selection is based on a rigorous peer review system.

Via the call for proposals, higher education institutions can apply for support for the following sub-actions:

  • Jean Monnet European Modules are short courses on European integration (including the EU's relations with other parts of the world) of minimum 30 teaching hours per academic year. Modules may be pluridisciplinary in approach (max grant over 5 years: 21.000€)
  • Jean Monnet Chairs are teaching posts with a specialisation in European integration studies. Jean Monnet Chairholders teach a minimum of 120 hours per academic year in the field of European integration studies (max grant over 5 years: 45.000€).
  • "Ad personam" Jean Monnet Chairs constitute awards reserved for distinguished professors who deliver evidence of a high-level international teaching and publication record (that was achieved, at least in part, outside their country of residence) and/or professors with a distinguished background as former high-level practitioners in the field of European integration (max grant over 5 years: 45.000€)
  • Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence are a clearly labelled pluridisciplinary structures pooling scientific, human and documentary resources for European integration studies and research within one or more universities. Each Centre must work under the direction of a Jean Monnet Chair (max grant over 5 years: 75.000€).
  • Support for associations of professors and researchers specializing in European integration addresses associations whose explicit purpose is to contribute to the study of the European integration process and whose aim is to enhance the visibility of regional or national scientific and physical resources in this domain (max grant over 5 years: 24.000€).
  • Support for information and research activities relating to European integration aims to promote discussion, reflection and knowledge about the European integration process via conferences, seminars, roundtables and summer schools (max grant over 1 year: 50.000€).
  • Jean Monnet Multilateral Research Groups are partnerships between at least three Jean Monnet Chairs from three different countries leading to the creation of an integrated academic network with a joint research plan and pluridisciplinary synergies in the field of European integration studies (max grant over 2 years: 100.000€).

For further information, please have a look at the attached call for proposals or contact the EACEA at the following mailbox: or Fax number: +32-2-2921326.


Source:, as accessed on February 5, 2009.

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Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 5, 2009
Modified on February 5, 2009