News archive - [Event Announcement] Brokerage Event: Find your ICT Partners face2face

Ideal-ist, the worldwide ICT support network, is initiating an international Brokerage Event on September 28, 2010 within the frame of ICT2010.

The event aims to make research, innovation and business communities aware of funding opportunities offered by FP and to foster potential co-operation through dedicated networking activities, such as the offered face2face meetings. Particpation at this Face2Face Event will allow participants to present themselfes, their organisation and cooperation ideas as a first step to any future project or collaborations and  to meet a various cooperation partners in a single day.

This Networking Event will target a wide spectrum of companies, universities and researchers from Europe and all over the world interested in sharing new project ideas and finding collaboration partners and will be focused on all challenges open in the new ICT work programme 2011 - 12 for ICT Call 7.

Online registration will be open by end of June.
Please find more information here:

By filling in your profile you will not only promote your organisation and expertise at international forum, you can
+promote collaboration offers/request
+get in touch with other proposer
+book meeting with potential partner on-line
+participate in this or other events
+present, discuss and develop new project ideas for ICT in a cross-border environment and pursue business opportunities and
+plan pre-scheduled meetings at this event

Source: Idealist/FFG.

Date: 28 September 2010 from to

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on June 16, 2010
Modified on June 16, 2010