News archive - [Call Announcement] FP7 Regions of Knowledge / Health-related economy

FP7 Regions of Knowledge:

The “Regions of Knowledge” initiative in FP7 responds to a need at European level to increase the overall capacity of regional players in enhancing science and technology based development. Its purpose is to enable regions to strengthen their capacity for investing in and conducting research and technological development activities in a way which can contribute significantly to economic development. This shall maximise the potential for a successful involvement of regional actors in the European Research Area (ERA).

In the 2010 call, the competitiveness of the health-related economy is in the focus (note: in 2011 the projects are expected to address the area of sustainable transport).

Its objective is defined in accordance with the general purpose of the Regions of Knowledge as 'Strengthening the research potential of European regions, in particular by encouraging and supporting the development, across Europe, of regional “research-driven clusters” associating regional authorities, universities, research centres, enterprises and other stakeholders.'

One of the expected impacts of the call is to include more regions into the Regions of Knowledge initiative, into the knowledge economy and the ERA, especially through the mentoring of regions with a less developed research profile.

Deadline: January 14, 2010

Information on funding

FP7 Capacities

Transnational cooperation between regional research-driven clusters

Call identifier:

Budget for the call:
€ 16 500 000

14/01/2010 17:00


Topics in This Call

Activity/ Area Topics called Funding Schemes
Regions-2010-1. Transnational cooperation between regional research-driven clusters In the 2010 call, proposals should support economic development by boosting the competitiveness of health-related economy.

(Coordinating Action)

Type of activities:

  • Analysis, development and implementation of research agendas
  • Mentoring of regions with a less developed research profile by highly developed ones
  • Initiatives to improve integration of research actors and institutions in regional economies


  • Analysis and integration of research agendas of actors in regional clusters
  • Initiatives to improve integration: definition of a Joint Action Plan
  • Measures towards the implementation of the Joint Action Plan

The community contribution to be envisaged is EUR 1-3 millions.


More details on the call: Major information on administrative issues (e.g. type of entities which are eligible, consortium structure, budget for the call, etc. (a. 1000 characters):

The minimum number of participants: Consortia of partners representing a minimum of three regional research-driven clusters from at least three different European countries.

Research driven clusters must be composed of at least three types of legal entities:

  • legal entities conducting research (universities, research organisations, research for-profit bodies)
  • business entities
  • regional/local authorities (national ones can be accepted to represent regional ones in specific cases - e.g. small countries or if their organisational structure is broken down at regional level; specialised regional entities like for example regional health agencies can be accepted if they are in charge of the design and/or the implementation of the relevant regional policy).
  • Where appropriate, in addition to the trhee categories mentioned above, other regional/local entities such as technology transfer offices, chambers of crafts, commerce and industry, financial entities, as well as management consultants may be involved.

A regional research driven cluster as a whole may be represented through one legal entity. If such a legal entity does not exist, two possibilities are proposed:

- a legal arrangement (can be existing or specifically elaborated before the submission of the proposal / before entry into force of the grant agreement) for one member of the cluster to be allowed to legally represent the others or

- at least one legal entity conducting research, one business entity and one regaional/local authority to be direct partners of the project consortium

(check for details in the call text).

Submission / coordination either by the regional research-driven cluster (as legal entity) or by the regional/local authority (or any regaional entity mandated to implement economic development / research and innovation policy).

Consortia agreements: Participants are encouraged, but not required, to conclude a consortium agreement.

Click here to access the programme website. 

Contact/additional support (e.g. Helpdesk, contact to NCPs in your country, partnering websites if available, further related links, etc.):

For the 2010 Regions of Knowledge Work Programme:

If you would like to get in contact with National Contact Points, you may do it online via CORDIS from this link:

Network of National Contact Points (NCPs):


Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Elke Dall on August 17, 2009
Modified on August 18, 2009