News archive - EUREKA Initiates New Experts and Project Ideas Database and Search Tool

EUREKA has a new database available for researchers in the fields of automation, lasers, materials, robotics and production technologies.

This database serves as a tool to enhance the possibility of finding suitable partners to build good consortia for projects within the EUREKA Initiative, with the help of industrial experts platforms like PRO-FACTORY (automation, materials, robotics and production technologies), ENIWEP (tribology) and EULASNET II (laser technologies).

  • Organisations can present themselves, their expertise and offer their core know-how for participating in market-oriented cooperative RTD projects.
  •  Furthermore, they can also present some RTD project ideas looking for partners.
  • Finally, they can also find potential partners from the EUREKA countries that are already registered.

On the basis of this database, organisations can express their interest to participate in a project by presenting their organisation, their skills and added value to it.


Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia and Serbia are members of EUREKA ; furthermore EUREKA NIPs exist in Albania and Bosnia-Hercegovina.

For further information, please contact

Go to the database.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on August 24, 2009
Modified on August 25, 2009