News archive - 6th SEEITA & 5th MASIT Open Days Conference

In the period between September 21-23, 2008, some of the most powerful technology and business leaders from the SEE Region will come together in Ohrid to exchange policies and ideas on technology in order to impact the ICT development in the SEE Region.

The Chamber of Commerce for Information and Communication Technology of Macedonia (MASIT) is pleased to announce the dates for the "6th South East European Information Technology Associations Conference (SEEITA) and the 5th MASIT Open Days"  which will take place at the Inex Gorica Hotel, in Ohrid, Macedonia on September 21-23, 2008.

The objective of both SEEITA and MASIT Open Days is to foster regional cooperation and competitiveness in ICT, and to act as a platform for professionals, buyers and providers to meet and discuss challenges relevant to the industry, and build linkages. Through this event, you will get access to top-level information from regional leaders in communications technology.

To participate, please fill out the registration form which you can find at:

This year the conference incorporates a three-day event to address regional impact issues such as:

·          Public-Private Partnership

·          Public Procurement

·          EU Projects / IPA Funds

·          Workforce Development

·          Industry Standards

·          IT Service Management

·          ICT in Agribusiness  & Tourism

·          Electronic Communications  Liberalization

·          Strategic Alliances  and Globalization

·          Business Angels / Investment Funds

Key note speakers at the conference will be:

  1. H.E. Ivo Ivanovski, Minister of Information Society
  2. Mr. Blaz Golob – Director, SEE Center for e-Governance Development


For all details on this double-event, please visit the website at:


Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on July 23, 2008
Modified on July 23, 2008