News archive - [Event Announcement and Call for contribution] EMR 2012 - The Energy & Materials Research Conference
The Energy & Materials Research Conference (EMR2012), which will take place in Torremolinos (Malaga, Spain) from 20 to 22 June 2012, will bring together researchers and professionals from a broad set of science and engineering disciplines with the aim of sharing the latest developments and advances in materials and processes involved in the energy generation, transmission-distribution and storage.
- 14 March 2012: Deadline for early registration
- 27 March 2012: Deadline for abstract submission (for oral presentations)
- 2 May 2012: Deadline for abstract submission (for poster and virtual presentations)
In the current situation, where world's energy system is likely to radically change in the next decades, research into materials and processes is currently foreseen as a critical aspect in the development of cleaner and more efficient energy. In this conference series, researchers from very different academic backgrounds (from semiconductor scientists exploring new ways for improving conversion efficiency within solar cells, or electrochemists pursuing better performance and durability of fuel cell components, to microbiologists deepening on how engineered microorganisms can be exploited for generating useful energy, or materials engineers conceiving new designs for power plants), but with an unique interest in contributing to the global energy and environmental challenges, are expected to join in a truly interdisciplinary atmosphere.
Areas or research covered will include:
- Energy from biomass - Biofuels
- Solar energy: photovoltaics; concentrating photovoltaics and HCPV; concentrating solar power and solar thermal
- Fuel cells
- Hydrogen
- Wind power. Wave, tidal and hydropower. Geothermal energy
- Non-renewable energy sources: nuclear and fossil fuels
- Energy transmission-distribution and storage
- Lighting and energy-efficient buildings
- Energy saving and sustainability
A detailed list of Topics that will be discussed at the conference is available.
Abstracts must be submitted no later than 27 March 2012 (for oral presentations) or 2 May 2012 (for poster and virtual presentations) using the conference management tool: Abstract Submission
Presenting authors can present a maximum of two (2) abstracts at the conference if they are registered under the full rate or student registration modes, and only one (1) abstract if they are registered under the virtual registration mode. More information on registration modes is available in the Registration section.
Important dates:
- 14 March 2012: Deadline for early registration
- 27 March 2012: Deadline for abstract submission (for oral presentations)
- 2 May 2012: Deadline for abstract submission (for poster and virtual presentations)
- 7 May 2012: Notification of definitive presentation mode (for participants whose first option is oral presentation mode)
- 23 May 2012: Deadline for late registration
- 30 May - 1 Jun 2012 Attendance confirmation for on-site participants (An email from the conference secretariat will be sent during this time requesting such confirmation. Failure to do this may result in withdrawal of the work(s) from the Final Program.)
- 4 June 2012: Deadline for submission of virtual papers
- 18 July 2012: Deadline for submission of full papers to be considered for inclusion in the Proceedings Book
More information is available at the conference website:
From: 20 June 2012
To: 22 June 2012
- International; Other
- Engineering and Technology
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on February 24, 2012
Modified on April 11, 2012