News archive - [Event Announcement] Regional COST Info Day in Belgrade

COST regurlarly organises information days across Europe to promote and inform the science community about its activities. This latest edition will take place in Belgrade/Serbia on September 2, 2009.

How do I join an ongoing COST Action? How do I draft my proposal and what are the procedures for the Open Call? These are just some questions that come up during the information days that have been taking place throughout Europe. This time around, it is the turn of Serbia to host the event, helping the research community in this region learn more about COST.

CSO Vice-President John Bartzis will head the COST delegation to Belgrade followed by representatives involved in the Life Science Cluster, Food and Agriculture Domain and Balkan-related activities. They will present the Open Call and assessment procedures, highlight examples of succesful Actions and describe the COST strategy for neighbouring and non-COST countries.

Serbia's strong research potential means that it is an excellent candidate to participate in COST Actions and help generate more projects in this region.


Source: Leonardo Piccinetti/Europe for Business.

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on July 7, 2009
Modified on July 7, 2009