Community Garden in Podgorica among the winners of New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023

Community Garden in Podgorica has been announced to be the winner of the online public voting of the 2023 edition of the New European Bauhaus Prizes.

Out of the 61 finalists, 15 winners with exemplary initiatives of the New European Bauhaus will receive a monetary prize of up to €30,000 and a communication package to help them further develop and promote their projects and concepts. 

The winners of the ‘New European Bauhaus Champions' receiving a monetary prize of €30,000 for accomplished projects are:

  • Community Garden in Podgorica (Montenegro) winner of the online public voting
  • Ripple (Ireland) in the category ‘Reconnecting with nature'
  • Sacromonte Caves Museum (Spain) in the category ‘Regaining a sense of belonging'
  • Aalborg East: From isolated to inclusive (Denmark) in the category ‘Prioritising the places and people that need it the most'
  • TOVA (International) in the category ‘Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking'

The winners of the ‘New European Bauhaus Rising Stars', applicants under 30, receiving a monetary prize of €15,000 for their promising concepts are: 

  • Roofscapes (France) winner of the online public voting
  • Noi Ortadini Community Garden in Matera (Italy) in the category ‘Reconnecting with nature'
  • Nature's Library (Lithuania) in the category ‘Regaining a sense of belonging'
  • SAGA - a healing journey through play (Denmark) in the category ‘Prioritising the places and people that need it the most'
  • CREATIVE FACTORY SHOP (France) in the category ‘Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking'

The winners of the ‘New European Bauhaus Education Champions' receiving a monetary prize of €30,000 for learning and education initiatives are: 

  • Klimaatspeelplaats (Belgium) winner of the online public voting
  • Floating University Berlin (Germany) in the category ‘Reconnecting with nature'
  • Science in Migrant Communities (International) in the category ‘Regaining a sense of belonging'
  • Danube Design Lab Ruse (Bulgaria) ‘Prioritising the places and people that need it the most'
  • Land&Hand (Netherlands) in the category ‘Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking'

The third edition of the Prizes received more than 1,400 applications from EU Member States and for the first time, applications for initiatives in the Western Balkans. In the context of the European Year of Skills, the Prizes 2023 also included an additional strand focused on education and learning.

The Prizes celebrate and award inspiring examples of existing projects and ideas from young talents, to make Europe more sustainable, beautiful, and inclusive. Discover all about the finalists and their projects on the NEB Prizes webpage.

Next steps

In April 2024, the Commission will organise the fourth edition of the New European Bauhaus prizes, in the context of the second edition of the NEB Festival. Interested organisations and individuals can propose their own activities, projects or satellite events to one of the three calls to become a spotlight feature of The Festival. The calls are open until 15 September.  


Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on June 22, 2023
Modified on August 25, 2023