Creative Europe Networks' first focus meeting on youth, independent culture and democracy was held on 16 May 2023

Artists, thinkers, activists, cultural operators met during the first focus meeting co-organised with the Reset! network, to discuss how cultural networks tackle today’s challenges in Europe.

The very first focus meeting of the Creative Europe Networks brought together artists, thinkers, activists, cultural operators from at least 25 countries in Lyon (France) on 16 May 2023.

This was the first meeting of the series called “Joining the dots” – focus meetings of the Creative Europe networks. Topics will vary for each focus meeting. The first edition was dedicated to Youth, Independent Culture and Democracy.

Through collaborative work and networking sessions, the participants established connections, fostering the potential for future collaborations and partnerships.

Discussions centred around the following questions:

  • How to engage with youth audiences in 2023?
  • How to support the Ukrainian artistic scene?
  • How do independent cultural organisations tackle the today’s challenges in Europe?
  • How to create an inclusive narrative to engage young audiences?

Organisers designed the group activities to empower the attendees, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, awareness and insights on the topics discussed during the focus meeting.

Next focus meeting: "Heritage for the future" - save the date!

The next focus meeting and second of the series is co-organised with the network Europa Nostra.

It will take place on 27 September 2023 in Venice, under the flagship title “Heritage for the future" and in the context of the European Heritage Summit

Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Humanities

Entry created by Admin on May 25, 2023
Modified on August 3, 2023