International Girls Day in ICT 2023 in Serbia

The International Girls Day in ICT organized by the Association of Business Women of Serbia and supported by the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, was celebrated on 26 April 2023 in the House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, by announcing the winning teams of schoolgirls for the best video in the competition "Catch the Idea". The event was organized under the auspice of the Prime minister, Mrs. Ana Brnabić and supported by many ministries in Serbian Government and the Commissioner for the Protection  of  Equality in Serbia.

A large number of video works were submitted to this year's competition "CATCH THE IDEA", which the Association of Business Women of Serbia has been implementing for the eighth year in a row, for the selection of the best video works by schoolgirls in the seventh and eighth grades of primary schools. There was a broad range of topics including green, gender equality, entrepreneurship, digitalization in their everyday life and support of disabled pupils.

Geographical focus
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on April 27, 2023
Modified on May 2, 2023