News archive - Registration open for Online Expert Pool - aims to strengthen the network of RMAs from Visegrad Four (V4) and Western Balkan (WB) countries

The V4+WB Network of Research Managers and Administrators (RMA) project, which is funded by the International Visegrad Fund, aims to strengthen the network of RMAs from Visegrad Four (V4) and Western Balkan (WB) countries to contribute to their more successful participation in the Horizon Europe programme. One of the most important outputs of our project is the Online Expert Pool.

The Online Expert Pool is a database of profiles of RMAs, Funding Advisors, National Contact Points of EU Research and Innovation Framework Programmes and any relevant experts working on the interface of science, to reinforce a sustainable network and knowledge sharing of RMAs in V4+WB countries and beyond.

Anyone who is interested is hereby encouraged to register - the instrument will allow you to connect with colleagues and experts from other countries and it will also provide free access to the Learning Material Platform, the repository of all the learning materials, webinar recordings and support tools produced within the project.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on October 22, 2021
Modified on October 22, 2021