News archive - EuroHPC Joint Undertaking seeks experts for grant evaluation and advice

The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU) is looking to appoint external experts to assist in the evaluation of grant applications, projects and tenders, and to provide opinions and advice in specific cases. In particular, experts will assist in:

  • Evaluation of proposals, prize applications and tenders
  • Monitoring of actions, grant agreements, public procurement contracts
  • Technical and scientific assessments for resource allocation of compute time.

In addition, experts will provide opinion and advice on the preparation, implementation and evaluation of EU programmes and design of policies. The EuroHPC JU is looking for experts with the following qualifications/experience:

  • Experience in HPC supercomputing procurements and evaluation of tenders
  • Experience in operation of large-scale supercomputing centres including datacentre operations
  • Experience in access time allocation for supercomputers
  • Federated and Hyperconnected e-Infrastructures for science and industry
  • Management and operation of large HPC infrastructures
  • HPC usage and applications such as modelling, simulation, data analytics and artificial intelligence
  • HPC-related technology including microprocessors, system architecture, software stack
  • Application development and parallel programming on heterogeneous architectures
  • Education and training programmes for professionals and students relevant to HPC
  • Experience in international technology collaboration programmes
  • Experience with the management of large and complex R&D projects pertinent to the JU’s work programme
  • Quantum computing and related technology including system architecture, software and programming models.

Experts with a professional experience in the private sector are particularly encouraged to register.

For more information: EuroHPC JU experts


Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on October 22, 2021
Modified on October 22, 2021