News archive - [Call Announcement] CfA: Scholarships for three PhD candidates and two Pre-doctoral researchers, GS OSES, University of Regensburg

The GS OSES at Universität Regensburg will admit three PhD candidates and two Pre-doctoral researchers to its program, beginning April 1st, 2022. The deadline for submission is November 28, 2021.

This year, the Graduate School is once again able to announce a call for scholarships to start on April 1st 2022. A maximum of three doctoral scholarships and two predoctoral scholarships are to be awarded.

  • The doctoral scholarships are initially awarded for a limited period of 18 months, with a further 24 months' funding (maximum of 42 months in total) available after successful evaluation.
  • The predoctoral fellowships are awarded for a total of 12 months. It is expected that within this funding period a doctoral project in a research field of the GS OSESUR will be developed in preparation for an application for external funding.

see the Call for Application here: EN | DT

Please send your complete application by email (consolidate/merge all documents into one file preferably in PDF format, 5MB max.) to the administration office of the Graduate School at: (please make in the subject line clear: "Application Doctoral Scholarship" or "Predoctoral fellowship").

The deadline for submission is November 28, 2021.

More info:

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on October 11, 2021
Modified on October 11, 2021