News archive - [Event Announcement] Cross-border healthcare cooperation in EU and IPA countries

For those living in border regions, access to healthcare across the border can sometimes offer a lifeline. Thanks to EU legislation and cooperation between neighbouring health authorities and hospitals, patients can benefit from healthcare abroad and be reimbursed the medical costs in the EU.


In this workshop, DG SANTE and the Association of European Border Regions will show what patient mobility and cross-border healthcare cooperation means in practice.

At external borders with IPA countries, cross-border obstacles regarding healthcare cooperation are more challenging. DG REGIO will present the results of a study on specific obstacles at external borders in the health sector and will show some video testimonials of successful IPA cross-border cooperation in health.

Come and find out what patient mobility and cross-border healthcare cooperation means in practice! The workshop will try to be as interactive as possible and each part of the workshop will be followed by a question and answer session. Speakers will be from the DG SANTE, the Association of European Border Regions, DG REGIO/Interact, and project partners form different cross-border areas, and will also include a European Young Ambassador from the Western Balkans.

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Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on October 6, 2021
Modified on October 6, 2021