News archive - [Call Announcement] Open Access call of the ELSA and the Nano biotechnology Laboratory (Ideas for the New European Bauhaus)

Call for cross-boundary proposals for projects to experiment, prototype and demonstrate ideas for the New European Bauhaus. The JRC ELSA Reaction Wall and the Nanobiotechnology Laboratory will serve as collaboration platform to stimulate creativity and innovation in the built environment.

The central feature of the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA) is the Reaction Wall. It consists of a reinforced concrete vertical wall and a horizontal floor rigidly connected together to test the vulnerability of buildings to earthquakes and other threats to structural stability.

In this call for proposals, ELSA is collaborating with the Nanobiotechnology Laboratory to provide access to techniques such as electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, X-Ray photoelectron microscopy and BET for the structural and morphology characterisation of smart and sustainable materials including nanomaterials in buildings and constructions.

The Nanobiotechnology Laboratory features state-of-the-art equipped facilities  designed to foster interdisciplinary studies. A special emphasis lies on characterisation of nanomaterials, micro-nanoplastics, advanced materials and their interactions with biological systems, as well as on the detection, identification and characterisation of nanomaterials in food and consumer products.

For more information on eligibility and pplication process visit

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on October 4, 2021
Modified on October 4, 2021