News archive - [Event Announcement] Plenary: Covering science responsibly across borders

Science is a global endeavour. However, the unfortunate truth is that the majority of science writers for international, English-language outlets are based in the Global North (wealthy countries with a largely white population). Despite their best intentions, these Global North writers tend to seek what is familiar — they look for sources with accents they know, languages they speak and from institutions they have heard of.

This can lead to incomplete or misinformed coverage of research and new discoveries. Sometimes journalists neglect key contributions from Global South scientists, further perpetuating stereotypes about which groups of people conduct good science and which don’t. Sometimes writers completely miss the interests of Indigenous peoples or inadvertently condone scientific colonialism, in which historically colonized groups are exploited by scientists from wealthier parts of the world. Our session will encourage a discussion of these issues, highlighting examples of past and allowing audience members to express their own doubts or insecurities when covering science done in the Global South.

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Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on September 24, 2021
Modified on September 25, 2021