News archive - [Event Announcement] Innovative Uses of Film in Science Communication


Films have an ability to emotionally transport audiences in a unique way, making them a powerful tool in science communications. They can tackle topics from discrimination in science, to the ethics behind new technologies, to how hype can threaten public confidence in science in way that not only engages the scientific community but also uniquely extends into popular culture and society.

The landscape of science filmmaking is rapidly evolving away from traditional documentaries and toward independent films that have the potential to reframe how the public views scientists and society, and the scientific process. As this evolution occurs, there is a growing opportunity to change how science films are made, distributed, and evaluated for impact.

This session will feature both filmmakers and scientists working to reinvent how science films are made and how people interact with them. It will include: one of the directors of PICTURE A SCIENTIST, a film that chronicles gender discrimination and bias in the sciences through the stories of a geologist, chemist, and biologist; a producer of HUMAN NATURE, which tackles the ethical issues surrounding CRISPR and its discovery; a social psychologist working to understand how film can uniquely impact viewers and effect change; and a journalist working at the intersection of film, education, science, and social justice, including on a new project on diversity, equity, and inclusion in science.

In addition to the topics they cover and the innovative research partnerships they are forging, these modern science filmmakers are also rethinking the ways in which films reach audiences, exploring unique ways of engagement and outreach. This session will encourage new thinking about each aspect of science filmmaking from conception through distribution -- leading to new discussions about how the medium can continue to evolve.

For more information and registration visit

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on September 24, 2021
Modified on September 24, 2021