News archive - Fresh expectations for science and education across Europe (Statement after thr 5th Joint Science Conference, 2019)

The 5th Berlin Process Joint Science Conference convened at the UK’s Royal Society in London to take further the process started in Germany in July 2015 and continued in Austria in May 2016, France in June 2017, and Italy in May 2018. The outcomes of the previous conferences were summarised in Joint Statements, which were endorsed by the Heads of State and Government at the Western Balkans Summits in Vienna (2015), Paris (2016), Trieste (2017) and London (2018). The parties welcome the announcement made by the Polish Academy of Sciences to hold the next conference in 2020 in Warsaw

The parties agreed on following key recommendations:

1. Install national scientific advice mechanisms where missing, and include scientific expertise in the co-design of public policies and societal dialogue;

2. Endorse actions of academic-scientific cooperation, which contribute to reconciliation and good neighbourly relations in SEE, underlining the societal responsibility of science;

3. Support measures to improve science communication in the digital era and to raise awareness for the societal and economic importance of education, science, R&I.

as well as on several commitments:

1. The parties reaffirm their unequivocal commitment to the creation of the Western Balkans Research Foundation

2. The parties commit to step-up efforts to advance in-house reforms with the aim of achieving convergence with EU standards, especially with ERA and EHEA requirements, and by protecting freedom of research and academic autonom

3. The parties commit to continue the work in the framework of the BPJSC and emphasise the genuine importance of such a platform.

For more information on further priorities and needs identified please click here

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on October 2, 2020
Modified on August 2, 2021