News archive - [Event Announcement] Powering Net Zero Conference

The Energy Institute’s new conference, Powering Net Zero, is designed to discuss ways in which clean electricity and electrification will be essential in reducing emissions globally to net zero.

This timely conference will provide insights into how businesses and countries are making net zero into a reality, whilst showcasing their achievements so far, and exploring what other actions still need addressing at COP26 to drive further acceleration.

Attend this timely event to:

  • Hear from expert speakers excelling in this area
  • Gain key insights into the policies, technologies, and people needed to reach net zero
  • Network with professionals from across the energy sector

Ask the speaker:
The interactive format of this event means you'll be able to engage with speakers and other delegates throughout the day. To make sure your queries are put to the speakers, we're giving you the opportunity to submit a question in advance* - once you've booked your place, we'll ensure to address them during or following the conference!

Submit your question

For more information as well as the programme visit the event's website.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on July 7, 2021
Modified on July 7, 2021