News archive - Western Balkans: Virtual meeting of the Foreign Ministers participating in the Berlin Process on 8 June

On Tuesday, 8 June, as part of the Berlin Process, Foreign Minister Maas hosted a virtual meeting with his counterparts from the Western Balkans, the United Kingdom and a number of EU member states.

The EU Commissioner for Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi and the EEAS Secretary General Stefano Sannino also attended.

The participants in the Berlin Process for the Western Balkans, which the Federal Government launched in 2014, are working together to foster cooperation between the six economies in the region. The aim is to support them in forging closer ties with the European Union.

Issues on the agenda for the Foreign Ministers’ meeting on 8 June include concrete approaches to improving connectivity in the region and current negotiations in this regard, reform processes for improving the countries’ EU perspective, unresolved bilateral issues and – inevitably – how health and the economy are faring in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch the press confererence after the meeting here

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Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on June 10, 2021
Modified on August 2, 2021