News archive - AI applications in WB governments?

The article published by the portal examines several (problematic) aspects of the usage of AI by governments.

Examples of the usage include in the Western Balkans

  • EU citizens being able to pass borders at airports outside the EU just by "showing" their passports to a machine and looking at the camera. This particular possibility is according to the article enabled through a shared database of faces and algorithms powered by facial recognition technology, whereby "computer systems recognize your face and are smart to read your travel documents, so you can just continue walking".
  • A second example is the implementation of Chinese facilitation recognition technology in Belgrade, Serbia, where it is supposed to enhance public safety. The author warns however that "if implemented without appropriate rules around it that protect privacy, it can be dangerous.", referring to a study that analyzes the system and its potential dangers in Serbia. In other Western Balkans countries such systems seem not to be in place so far.

In order to read the full story follow the link to the article.

Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on June 1, 2021
Modified on June 1, 2021