News archive - Commission sets out new EU strategy for international R&I cooperation

The European Commission today adopted a new global research agenda, outlining the criteria the EU will use for picking international partners in research and innovation. The Commission will prioritise international partnerships with countries that recognise “academic freedom, gender equality, research ethics, open science and evidence-based policymaking.

The Commission’s last strategy for international R&I cooperation dates back to 2012 – and the revamped plan shows Europe’s ambitions have since shifted. There’s a stronger focus on strategic cooperation around the dual green and digital transitions and the Commission now leaves the possibility to limit openness to international cooperation in areas where the bloc’s has strategic interests, such as quantum computing, space and microprocessors.

The source of the news is Science|Business and they did a story on the subject here based on "a glimpse" of the leaked draft.

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on May 18, 2021
Modified on June 1, 2021