News archive - [Event Announcement] EIT RawMaterials Summit 2021

By 2050 the demand for critical raw materials will multiply. Mineral resources are the lifeblood of our modern society and the key to a more sustainable future. Today, we are in the middle of disruptive innovation in emerging green energy, e-mobility and clean technology, triggered by pressing societal challenges. The growing need for carbon-neutral technology creates a strong demand for minerals, metals and advanced materials. 

The estimated demand for critical raw materials vital for a green and digital transition in Europe will dramatically multiply in the coming years. For electric vehicle batteries and energy storage, the EU would need almost 60 times more lithium and 15 times more cobalt in 2050 than the current supply to the whole EU economy. Moreover, the demand for rare earths used in permanent magnets powering electric vehicles, digital technologies and wind generators could increase tenfold by 2050.

To face the challenge of increasing demand for raw materials combined with high import dependency, Europe has to take responsibility and address strategic issues such as criticality, global supply, resource and energy efficiency, economic development and the transition to a circular economy. Sustainable supply of raw materials is a strategic security question for Europe to deliver the ambitious goals outlined in the EU Green Deal.

The event gathers prominent speakers from the raw materials value chain, key policymakers, and European Commission representatives. With more than 700 global participants last year, the RawMaterials Summit hosted the launch of ERMA (European Raw Materials Alliance) and addressed critical challenges for the industry. 

Registration is open.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology
  • General
  • Natural Sciences

Entry created by Admin on June 1, 2021
Modified on June 1, 2021