News archive - EUREKA - benefits and costs for members and possible impact for the Western Balkans
The Western Balkan region has significantly improved in terms of innovation performance in the last ten years. However, in catching up with other European regions, the focus of innovation efforts must be further enhanced. While Western Balkan economies are at different stages in the formation of research and innovation (R&I) policy governance systems, national research and innovation policy frameworks are continuously being improved. To date the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are EUREKA full members.
Cooperating in EUREKA with other peers the Western Balkan countries may develop improved governance mechanisms for R&I policy by reaching out to the business sector and other important actors of the innovation ecosystem. Beside smart specialisation to design and implement innovation strategies and further capacity-building activities, EUREKA may provide support to transnational collaboration and linkages in the context of EU macro-regional strategies. With regional and national connection of the actors EUREKA instruments can help the Western Balkan as a steppingstone for international innovation cooperation which might be easier and at the same time complementary to the EU Framework programme.
Being a member of EUREKA provides access to a unique network of national research and innovation funders of R&D&I from 45 countries and an efficient way to support global collaboration. As a member you will have access to three network meetings per year to meet and share information with peers.
Full members, Partner Countries and Associated countries of EUREKA pay an annual membership contribution to the EUREKA Association. The contribution of each member is calculated in relation to a GDP-based formula.
By being involved in EUREKA it will be possible to facilitate research and innovation projects across the globe and so enhancing the competitiveness of the participating countries and supporting businesses to build global networks and collaborations. Projects are funded nationally and each country provides the respective funding support to its own project participants.
For innovative companies, institutes and universities wishing to expand their activities internationally, EUREKA provides a structured and widely recognised way to launch and run transnational R&D&I projects.
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Entry created by Admin on April 2, 2021
Modified on April 30, 2021