News archive - Webinar: How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe (recording available)

The purpose of this event was to inform all potential applicants to Horizon Europe calls on the modalities for preparing their proposals. The agenda  included two main points: “Submission and Evaluation” and “Model Grant Agreement”. The event was held on 24th March 2021.



Presentation: Submission and evaluation of proposals - Proposal template, basic principles, evaluation criteria (Isabel VERGARA OGANDO, Bénédicte CHARBONNEL)
Presentation: The rules of the game - the Model Grant Agreement (Simona STAICU, Morten GYLLING-JORGENSEN, Julien DULOT, Sorin SERBAN)
Standard application form (RIA/IA)
General Model Grant Agreement
Gender Equality in Academia and Research - GEAR tool

Find the recordings and more information here

Next events in preparation

  • Submission & Evaluation (part 2): 21 April
  • Thematic info-days per cluster: end of April - May
  • Specialised webinars on: open science, gender, D&E, “Do no significant harm” principle, ethics, cooperation with third countries…
  • 2021 R&I Days: 23-24 June

Check the news section of the F&T Portal regularly:


Geographical focus
  • EC
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on March 27, 2021
Modified on March 31, 2021