We are discussing new opportunities coming to the region on the heel of the European Green Deal, and its local rollout, the Green Agenda for the Balkans, as well as other current developments concerning the environmental agenda in the region.
Join us to discuss how we can use these opportunities for better environmental protection and stronger environmental democracy in the region.
Session 1: 10:00 – 11:30 CET
The Green Agenda for the Balkans and New Opportunities for Environmental NGOs in the Region. Our guest is Madalina Ivanica who is leading DG ENVI’s work on the Green Agenda for the Balkans. We will discuss the Agenda and our role in it.
Session 2: 13:00 – 14:30 CET
Accession and Chapter 27: Progress and Challenges in Improving Environmental Policies in Candidate Countries. We will have the opportunity to discuss with environmental experts from DG NEAR in smaller groups where we are in improving environmental protection and governance in the different candidate countries, to share our concerns and ideas.
Session 3: 15:30 – 16:45
EU and UN-led Projects in the Region: What Participation Opportunities for eNGOs? We will exchange with both the European Commission
funded EPPA project, which assists governments in the candidate countries in aligning with the EU’s environmental acquis, and with UN Environment in the region, in particular the South East European Platform to Beat Pollution.