News archive - Stakeholder associations react on ERA Communication
On 30 September 2020, the European Commission adopted its Communication on the new ERA. Meanwhile, Major European stakeholder networks have published their views on the the paper.
Science Europe welcomes the Communication and underlines that it will be crucial to design a governance system and discussion fora in which research stakeholders, that shape and implement ERA on the ground, are meaningfully included. EU policy will tackle issues on which Science Europe has been working with its members to co-create better common policies and tools. To build a strong and sustainable ERA, coherence and synergies will need to be strengthened across the European research ecosystem. This can only be done through meaningful dialogue and engagement, according to the first reaction of the association representing the interests of major public research performing and research funding organisations in Europe.
The Guild particularly welcomes the objective of increasing the public investment in R&I from the current 0,8% to 1,25% of EU GDP by 2030. The association of European research-intensive universities calls for a specific attention within this goal to investments in public universities through their institutional and competitive research funding. The Guild shares the Commission’s view that research and innovation play a key role in contributing to the green and digital transformations, building Europe as a strong knowledge society must be a broader objective by itself. According to the association, ERA is uniquely placed to strengthen the Europe’s public science systems in a holistic way, not just in areas where they can support industrial needs.
Original news:
- European Union (EU 27)
- Western Balkans
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Admin on October 6, 2020
Modified on October 6, 2020