News archive - New Minister of Education and Science in North Macedonia

North Macedonia´s new  Minister of Education and Science, Mila Carovska, took over Monday duties from outgoing Education Minister Arber Ademi.

During the handover ceremony Carovska and Ademi discussed current activities at the Ministry, as well as future plans and challenges regarding cooperation, establishing inclusive education, strengthening capacities of vocational schools and implementation of the dual education system.

"Carovska underlined at the meeting that hers and government´s top priority is the start of the new school year amid the global COVID-19 pandemic. She presented the new government´s position on October 1, as the start of the new school year. Protocols, the Minister noted, have been adopted on in-person classes and a national remote learning platform is in the development," the Ministry of Education said in a press release.

The new Education Minister, the press release added, also expressed awareness at the meeting that teachers, students and parents have their own ideas how classes should be organized, but noted that a compromise should be reached for the sake of public health and education.

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Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Admin on August 31, 2020
Modified on August 31, 2020