News archive - Commissioner Gabriel's May newsletter issue highlights coronavirus response actions

In the second edition of her monthly update newsletter, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel focuses on EU research action being taken to fight the coronavirus, stressing the key role researchers and innovators are playing in this context, as well as the importance of cooperating closely across the EU and beyond, and to keep supporting open science and the principles of open access.


The measures and actions highlighted by the Commissioner include the Coronavirus Global Response virtual pledging conference that raised €7.4 billion from donors worldwide, including €1 billion under Horizon 2020 budget. The €1 billion from Horizon 2020 can be broken down into:

  • €450 million for developing scientific solutions for testing, treating and preventing against the coronavirus and developing health systems;
  • €400 million EC guarantee of the European Investment Bank lending to finance pre-commercial stage investments in COVID-19 (including scale up of relating production facilities);
  • €150 million for disruptive innovations on COVID-19 under the European Innovation Council’s Accelerator.

In addition, the Commissioner welcomes the support EU research ministers gave to the first immediate “ERAvsCorona” Action Plan at a virtual meeting on 7 April 2020. The European COVID-19 Data Platform for researchers has already been launched, and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) manages a unique database of containment measures and casualties. As culture, education and sport are also part of the Commissioner's portfolio, actions in these areas are also highlighted in her newsletter. 

Commissioner Gabriel's monthly update newsletter - May 2020 or see the attached pdf.

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Geographical focus
  • EC
  • European Union (EU 27)
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on May 12, 2020
Modified on May 12, 2020