News archive - #EUvsVirus hackathon had more than 300 participants from the #WesternBalkans

The #EUvsVirus hackathon had more than 300 participants from the #WesternBalkans, submitting 43 new ideas. Never has been cooperation so important. In total Over 20,900 participants from across the EU and beyond joined the #EUvsVirus Hackathon led by the European Innovation Council to offer their time, talent and business ideas to help support Europe’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.


Over 2,150 solutions were submitted in areas including health and life (898), business continuity (381), remote working and education (270), social and political cohesion (452), digital finance (75) and other challenges (83). Germany (389), Italy (320) and Spain (315) submitted the highest number of solutions, which range from a ‘modular micro factory’ to a ‘natural language processing system for medical reporting’.

The event, which involved over 380 volunteers, 2,400 mentors and over 800 partners, brought together people of 141 different nationalities, as well as different areas of expertise and backgrounds. More information on participation per country.

Original source

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
  • Medical and Health Sciences

Entry created by Admin on April 28, 2020
Modified on May 1, 2020