News archive - [Call Announcement] Special Call for Submissions ISPIM 2020

Authors should note that the general call for submissions for the XXXI Conference remains closed, with a record number of submissions, but in response to the crisis-driven circumstances that individuals and organisations face, ISPIM has opened a Special Call for Contributions on Crisis-driven Innovation

At the turn of the year, the world was a quite different place. We were looking forward to another good year that would include major sporting events such as the Olympics and EURO 2020. We were planning our largest ever conference that was due to take place in Berlin. Then everything changed and now the coronavirus pandemic has us confined to our homes. However, our lives continue and we must adapt to our circumstances. The world will be a very different place when we emerge from this crisis, and how we innovate as individuals and organisations in this time of crisis will determine what it looks like. 

​We invite submissions from all sectors of the Innovation Management Community that can help people and organisations respond to the political, social, economic or technological problems stemming from the coronavirus crisis. Submissions need not be the result of in-depth research. Moreover, we seek practical, insightful and reasoned submissions in the form of stories, examples, tools, frameworks etc, which are fresh and useful in the current situation. Authors can discuss suitability at

Submission Deadlines

  • 24 April 2020: Outlines

  • 28 April 2020: Acceptance Notification

  • 1 May 2020: Final Submissions (including abstracts, papers, profiles & photos) PLUS registration & receipt of payment

  • 29 May 2020: Presentation Slides

For more information please see thelinked Call for Submissions.


Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Admin on April 22, 2020
Modified on April 22, 2020