News archive - JRC scientists have designed a new control material that laboratories can use to check the correct functioning of their coronavirus tests and to avoid false negatives

Timely and accurate laboratory testing is an essential part of tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

A recent EU survey identified the lack of positive control materials as one of the top three challenges faced by laboratories for the reliable implementation of coronavirus tests.

Responding to this need, JRC scientists have designed a positive control material to facilitate the quality control of the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in testing laboratories.

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Research and Innovation, responsible for the Joint Research Centre (JRC), said: "This is EU science in action when it is needed and where it is needed, to support the EU's response to the current crisis. The JRC quickly identified a potential gap in the management of the coronavirus outbreak and immediately set to work to fill that gap. The new control material has the potential to improve the EU’s capacity to respond to the virus outbreak and avoid valuable resources being wasted by inefficient tests."

The control material will enable the harmonisation of coronavirus tests in Europe, ensuring their high quality to avoid false negatives.

The control material is also available to the partners  in the Western Balkans.


Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Medical and Health Sciences

Entry created by Admin on April 20, 2020
Modified on April 20, 2020