News archive - [Document Announcement] Summary Reports of ESFRI Workshop 'Future of Research Infrastructures' available

ESFRI has published the outcomes of its Workshop on the Future of Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area. The event was organised with a view to the next Roadmap of European Research Infrastructures, foreseen for publication in 2021.

The workshop was structured around a range of highly relevant focus areas, with a balanced mix of plenary session and round table discussions included in each to provide full opportunity for discussion. The summary reports reflect the collated outputs from the discussion topics, representing the views of the participants involved. All reports and presentations can be downloaded here.

original source: Summary Reports of ESFRI Workshop 'Future of Research Infrastructures' available - ERA Portal Austria

access the reports and presentations here: ESFRI Workshop on the Future of Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area |

Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on January 13, 2020
Modified on January 13, 2020