News archive - [Event review] - Building Leadership in European Research Infrastructures - lides and recordings available from RItrain Workshop

A very interactive and informative RItrain Workshop on ‘Building Leadership in European Research Infrastructures’ took place at le Palais des Académies in Brussels on 20-21 November 2019. Around 40 research infrastructures were represented at the meeting alongside funders, policymakers and educators. Keynote speeches were delivered by Dominik Sobczak (ESFRI Executive Secretary), Jan Hrušák (Chair of ESFRI) and Giorgio Rossi (Scientific coordinator, NFFA-Europe and member of EOSC governing board).

Sessions focussed on training for managers and leaders of RIs from the perspectives of the ‘student’ and the employer, and the experience of staff exchanges. A mini training session on Innovation Management had the effect of the participants receiving a consultancy service from their peers!

The messages to emerge from the Workshop were that RIs are unique and as such they require specific managerial and leadership skill sets, staff competence must be part of an RI strategy and supported by dedicated resources and defined commitment, and that a variety of training approaches is needed with the exchange of experience and skills between RIs being a key component.

You can view the slides and recordings from the two days, and see comments from across the audience in our Twitter feed @RItrain_eu


Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on December 19, 2019
Modified on December 19, 2019