News archive - [Event Announcement] 8th International Conference “Ohrid –Vodici, 2020” 17-19 January 2020, Contemporary Challenges on Protection and Managing of the Natural and Cultural Heritage

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) on its 34 General Assembly held this year in Kyoto, Japan brought a Resolution, considering that humanity’s current demands on the planet are unsustainable; the planet and all its inhabitants, human and non-human are facing an entangled series of unprecedented environmental and societal crises, the impacts of which: rising inequality, wars, poverty, climate change and loss of biodiversity, are serving to amplify these crises.

Over the last few decades, human activities, such as human-caused climate change and other human impacts on ecosystems, have transformed the Earth’s natural systems, exceeding their capacity and disrupting their self-regulatory mechanisms, with irreversible consequences for global humanity. Humanity has already been seriously affected by ongoing systemic ecological changes, such as climate change and land use change (especially deforestation). These have reached the point that the ecological foundations of human society and natural systems that support other species and provide invaluable ecosystem services are in great danger. Human activities are causing increasing amounts of pollution, to the extent that this is now recognized as the biggest single risk to human health worldwide. Continuing to live on the brink of or outside of ecological limits, from the global to the local, will make it dramatically more difficult to achieve prosperity, justice, equity and a healthy life for all. The need for humanity to remain within the planetary boundaries’ safe operating space and the need to eradicate poverty and accelerate social and economic development are linked by the concept of “a safe and just space for humanity”. To cope with this range of human-induced damages, including climate change, deforestation, desertification, loss of biodiversity, scarcity of natural resources, pollution, and the consequent natural and the associated environmental impacts, is a great challenge.

Iconic historic places are extremely vulnerable to worldwide rising sea levels, soaring temperatures and increasing extreme weather events place cultural heritage on the frontline of climate change, which also put cultural collections, such as archives, artworks and artefacts, at risk. Intangible heritage, such as languages and oral traditions, also face a fight for survival as climate change threatens to displace communities.

Specifically, Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region, is under a risk from a current Good under the protection of UNESCO, to be treated as a "natural and cultural Good under a risk".  The threats faced by the natural values of the World Heritage property relating primarily to Lake Ohrid and Galičica National Park. Lake Ohrid’s hydrology and biodiversity are exposed to diverse impacts and risks including decreased water levels due to prolonged dry periods, and anthropogenic factors such as uncontrolled discharge, water pollution due to inadequate wastewater treatment systems, and evident eutrophication in certain places such as mouths of rivers that flow into the lake. In the long-term, this can pose serious threats to the entire lake ecosystem, with several endemic species of the lake already considered endangered. There are also deep concerns about the extensive urban development and inappropriate exploitation of the coastal zones which could contribute to its severe deterioration, if no immediate measures are taken by the authorities. While the core of the Ohrid historic town is well preserved, one of the main factors affecting the property are developments which have already occurred in the urban settlements, agricultural and coastal zones resulting in water pollution, degradation of habitats, alteration and loss of quality of the lake landscape.

Challenges appearing from climate change inequities ask the action of building the resilience programs and support the implementation of the UN Sustainable development Goals. The fact that Ohrid/Prespa Region is proclaimed as Transboundary Biosphere reserve under the UNESCO’s MAB program is adding to the complexity but also open opportunities for development of the management ideas and plans concerning the sustainable use and protection of the natural and cultural heritage.


Scholars, PhD and MA students, researchers and practitioners in environmental studies, cultural heritage, political science, economy, tourism sciences, media, , architecture, museology, archiving, audio-visual arts, information sciences/ technologies, archeology, anthropology/ethnology, history of art, geography, sociology, psychology and all related fields are invited to submit papers on any topic related to conference theme. Papers may reflect on a wide spectrum of issues related to protection and managing of the environment and cultural heritage, sustainable development, promotion, developing of a tourism etc.

Deadline for Application : 17 December 2019

Notification of Acceptance Decisions: 24 December 2019

Registration : 9 January 2020

Conference : 17-19 January 2020



Conference language is both Macedonian and English.


All registered participants will be presented a certificate of attendance at the end of the conference.


All abstracts accepted to the Conference will be published as a conference booklet.


The conference will be held in Ohrid (or Struga), North Macedonia. Information about the exact premises will be given later.


Conference will begin on 17 January 2020 and will end on 19 January 2020.

On 17 January 2020, publication (Conference proceedings) from the 7th Conference Vodici-Ohrid, "Identities, Cultural Heritage and Tourism as important Elements of the Contemporary Everyday life and Global Processes Figures" will be promoted and disseminated.


There are 2 types of conference fees:

1. Standard type of fee for amount of EUR 130

Standard conference fee include: accommodation for 2 nights (Bad & Breakfast), registration, conference materials (booklet of abstracts), welcome reception, lunch and dinner, snacks, Conference proceedings (publication of peer-viewed papers).

2. Reduced type of fee for amount of EUR 60

Reduced conference fee include: Registration, conference materials (booklet of abstracts), welcome reception, snacks and conference proceedings (publication of peer-viewed papers).

Fee for posters is 30 EUR.


Accommodation costs will be covered by the participants. Organizing committee will organize accommodation and will cover accommodation costs for participants that will choose Standard type of registration fee. Detailed information on accommodation will be provided to the participants after their abstracts are accepted.


Participants will be responsible for paying their travel expenses.


The Conference website will be updated regularly for the participants and attendants.

Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Republic of North Macedonia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on November 22, 2019
Modified on November 22, 2019