News archive - University associations call for research excellence and cooperation as core elements of Horizon Europe

On 8 November 2018 several European university associations released a position statement on Horizon Europe focusing on the issues of excellence and cooperation.

They underline that Horizon Europe should continue to set the standard for excellence in Europe and that international collaboration between EU member states and other countries must be stimulated. They stress that the next Framework Programme for Research & Innovation must deliver on its aim to bring scientific, economic and social impact, as well as to strengthen the scientific and technological basis of the Union, and foster its competitiveness.

The associations state that they support the European Parliament’s plea for a considerable increase of the Horizon Europe budget, but reiterate that the necessary budget to accomplish its projected objectives is €160 billion. They also urge the European institutions to work towards a smooth start of Horizon Europe on 1 January 2021.

The position staement can be downloaded here.


Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on November 9, 2018
Modified on November 9, 2018