News archive - EC presents new bioeconomy strategy

The European Commission (EC) has presented its new bioeconomy strategy for a sustainable Europe today in Brussels.

The strategy is an action plan to develop a sustainable and circular bio-economy that serves Europe's society, environment and economy and is part of the Commission's initiative to boost jobs, growth and investment in the EU. In the strategy, the EC announces the launch of 14 concrete measures in 2019 to scale up and strengthen bio-based sectors, rapidly deploy bioeconomies across Europe and protect the ecosystem.

Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness Jyrki Katainen said: "It has become evident that we need to make a systemic change in the way we produce, consume and discard goods. By developing our bio-economy – the renewable segment of the circular economy – we can find new and innovative ways of providing food, products and energy, without exhausting our planet's limited biological resources. Moreover, rethinking our economy and modernising our production models is not just about our environment and climate. There is also great potential here for new green jobs, particularly in rural and coastal areas."

Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, added: "The EU aims to lead the way in turning waste, residue and discards into high value products, green chemicals, feed and textiles. Research and innovation plays a key role in accelerating the green transition of the European economy and in meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals."

The action plan will be discussed at a conference on 22 October 2018 in Brussels.

For more information:

EC press release

Bioeconomy strategy factsheet

Bioeconomy strategy website


Geographical focus
  • EC
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on October 11, 2018
Modified on November 14, 2018