News archive - EU-WB Media Days organised in Skopje

Launched last year by the European Commission, the EU – Western Balkans Media Days aim to ensure that media freedom remains a priority while tackling the complexity of pressing political, economic and social issues the region experience at present. This year's edition put a strong focus on the young generation of journalists and the needs in the context of their professional development. the event was held in Skopje on 17-18 September 2018.

The event brought together around 300 media professionals, experts and policymakers from the Western Balkans and the EU to discuss challenges and propose forward-looking ideas for an independent, sustainable and professional journalism in the Western Balkans. The conference aimed at having result-oriented discussions to be afterwards reflected in adjusted assistance approaches to media related issues within the European enlargement policy. Ahead of the visit, Commissioner Johannes Hahn said: "I am looking forward to attend the second edition of the EU – Western Balkans Media Days, which became a well-known brand after its successful start last year. I am proud to welcome this year more than 300 media professionals and organisations dealing with media. The conference will focus on topics such as how to strengthen media freedom and support independent media, the importance of quality reporting in times of disinformation and fake news; business sustainability, media literacy, professional training and the role of public broadcasting. The exchange of experts and top professionals will pay a substantial contribution to raising awareness of the crucial role of independent media and quality reporting in the EU accession process".

Speech by Commissioner Hahn

Infographic on EU support to media in the WBC

EU Enlargement Package 2018: freedom of expression - information society and media

The Western Balkan Strategy of February 2018

More information on the EU-Western Balkans Media Days is available online. Photo and videos of the visit will be available on EbS

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on September 28, 2018
Modified on October 8, 2018