News archive - Science Communication Study Presented in Tirana

With this in mind, mid-2017 PERFORM commissioned a study on understanding the current practices of science communication in Serbia and Albania. Two separate teams conducted the research in respective countries, and the University of Graz then incorporated it into a joint study. The findings and recommendations were presented in Tirana, Albania on 21 June 2018.

The aim of this research was to explore the underlying factors of the current situation of science communication in Serbia and Albania and to identify potential drives that could improve its effectiveness in the future. The research zooms into three dimensions of science communication:

  1. Peer to peer: communication within science community;
  2. Communication between science and policy development;
  3. Communication of science to society: Scientists addressing media and the public at large.

The panellists represented each of these sectors in order to enable a thorough and encompassing discussion on the findings of the study and the current situation and challenges facing science communication in Albania. 

The event was attended by a large number of academics who welcomed the study, confirming the importance of the topic and the need for more attention and input on this dimension of science. 

Click here for the study

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on August 23, 2018
Modified on September 4, 2018